Acer x freemanii ‘Jeffersred’

A large seedless maple, known for its rapid growth and fiery fall color.

  • Mature Size: 50’ Tall x 40’ Wide

    Annual Growth: 18-30”

    Specific Maintenance: To prevent chlorosis, fertilize with iron chelate every spring (ideally late April-early May).

    General Maintenance: Regular watering, Structural Pruning (every 5-10 yrs), Annual balanced fertilizer (May-June, slow-release), Protect from deer.

  • Benefits:

    Seedless (in our area), quick growth rate, good foliage texture, deep red to red-orange fall color, great cold-hardiness, wind tolerant, drought tolerant, soil adaptable (but avoid heavy clay), no disease or pest concerns.


    Iron chlorosis is a significant concern with this species, so treat the soil each spring with iron chelate powder. Don’t wait to see chlorosis before treating; be proactive.