Acer grandidentatum

This beautiful native maple is well-adapted to our soils and climate. Fall color varies from yellow to red, depending on weather and day/night temperature swings.

  • Mature Size: 25’ Tall x 20’ Wide

    Annual Growth: 12-24”

    Specific Maintenance: To help prevent winter damage, wrap the trunk for the first few winters after planting, and if fall weather is warm and dry, keep soil moist. Not tolerant of heavy clay soils.

    General Maintenance: Regular watering, Structural Pruning (every 5-10 yrs), Annual balanced fertilizer (May-June, slow-release), Protect from deer.


    Photo Notes:

    Summer pictures are from USU Logan Campus.

    Fall Pictures are mainly from Providence Canyon, with a few from Bear Lake area. None are color edited.

  • Benefits:

    Red to yellow fall color (but usually somewhere in between), good growth rate, great cold-hardiness, wind tolerant, native, drought tolerant, soil adaptable (but avoid heavy clay), disease and pest issues are rare.

