Populus deltoides ‘Siouxland’

Siouxland poplar is a large cotton-less cottonwood. It’s great for rural areas, but expect suckers and storm breakage.

  • Mature Size: 55’ Tall x 40’ Wide

    Annual Growth: 18-48”

    Specific Maintenance: Keep borers at bay by treating with a systemic drench insecticide each spring. Prune when young to discourage codominate leaders.

    General Maintenance: Regular watering, Structural Pruning (every 5-10 yrs), Annual balanced fertilizer (May-June, slow-release), Protect from deer.

  • Benefits:

    Seedless, fast growth rate, great cold-hardiness, wind resistant, drought tolerant, soil adaptable.


    Constantly suckering up from the roots, up to 40 or 50 feet from the trunk. Susceptible to poplar borer (insect), and bacterial wetwood. Storm breakage and dieback often occur as a result.